3 ways to use your analytic tools to increase conversions

Every ecommerce business want to improve their conversion rates to deliver a revenue boost. Luckily there are analytical tools and techniques that can be used to improve how many leads become actual customers. If you’re looking for ways to improve the conversions you see, we have three strategies that can be put in place to encourage more purchases.

1. Track the consumer journey

Taking the time to understand the complete customer journey gives you the power to make the changes that have the potential to have the biggest impact, increasing your conversion rates.

Looking at all aspects of the customer journey, from how consumers arrive on your ecommerce site through to how they progress, gives you access to plenty of information. It gives you an idea of how your sales funnel is shaped, identifying the areas where you lose most potential conversions. With this in mind, you’re able to evaluate your existing pages to reduce the number of consumers lost at each point. With customer journey insights you’re able to maximise your budget, targeting high traffic areas to optimise every aspect of the journey.

2. Monitor form interaction

Within ecommerce, forms play a significant role. Whether consumers are placing an order or signing up to your newsletter, form completion is a vital way to generate leads, giving you more opportunities to covert.

Using tools to assess form interaction can identify where people are dropping out. Ideally, you want to use forms that are quick and simple to complete, with all fields being filled in. With the right tools you can assess potential issues and streamline processes. It will not only mean consumers are more likely to complete the checkout process but gives you a chance to capture vital data to retarget leads at a later date.

1. Effectively compare A/B tests

You no doubt already use A/B tests for some of your marketing campaigns. But using analytical tools to compare the two options is vital to improving how many conversion you’re able to make.  

To effectively compare A/B tests the key is to focus on small changes, allowing you to assess what your audience responds best to. This comparison exercise is critical for increasing conversion rates. Don’t approach A/B testing as a one and done mission. Once you have an improved page, test again against a different option to further refine your offering.